The Perfect Family Evening with STUR Caviar

How to Choose Caviar for Any Family Occasion
What associations do you have about the caviar? It is a luxury, gourmet food and beautiful surroundings. For many centuries this legendary product remains a leading place at the holiday table. The wide range of royal delicacy allows you to choose a right product for each event in your life: for a wedding banquet, a party with friends or a dinner with business partners. The presence of spawn at the feast will emphasize your excellent taste, will impress guests, and will create an unforgettable atmosphere for any event.
It is believed that 2 thousand years ago the ancient Phoenicians were the first who started salting black osetra calf. Greek historians Polybius and Strabo called a sturgeon «the fish nearly equal to the dolphins” and considered their spawn an elite delicacy. In Russia, both red and black caviar has long been a dainty of fishers and hunters. Caviar was appreciated for its nutritive value and useful properties. Soon it became an integral part of Imperial feasts. The abundance of sturgeon in Russia allowed to deliver tons of caviar to the Tsar's Court. During the reign of Ivan, the Terrible the black caviar cooked in poppy milk or vinegar was the most exquisite dish.
In Europe and the United States sturgeon’s farms have appeared the in the 20th century. Caviar of sturgeons grown in artificial conditions has no differences from the one extracted from the wild fishes. It has all the same beneficial properties and excellent taste. Artificial breeding of sturgeon does not abrogate the expensiveness and elite status of caviar.
Various caviar substitutes help to make this delicacy more accessible. It is quite difficult to distinguish many of them from the original at the taste and appearance.
To accurately choose a spawn accordingly for the occasion it is necessary to understand all its species. Everyone knows that there is a sturgeon and non-sturgeon caviar. Red delicacy is extracted from salmon fish species. Black product is the caviar of sturgeon, beluga and sevruga. However, in addition to traditional products there is a huge number of roes, which can become a wonderful decoration to festive and everyday meal.
STUR CAVIAR will help you to choose the best caviar suited to each of your events.
Evening with Your Family and Premium Caviar
A romantic evening for two requires for a Royal Osetra Caviar Gift Set. Royal Osetra Caviar is definitely one of the most sought-after caviar types in the world! STUR’S Royal Osetra Caviar contains a rich buttery, creamy flavor profile with a traditional ocean-like finish. Consisting of large mild beads of roe with a diameter of about 2.8-3.1mm in size. Giving our Osetra Caviar a wonderful pop and finish! Along with the caviar, you receive a bundle of blinis, crème fraiche and accessories to make this romantic evening even more unforgettable.
Premium Siberian sturgeon caviar gift box for ceremonial family dinner. Our Siberian Sturgeon are raised in large tanks of stone worked by locally sourced artisanal stonemasons, giving an authentically natural feel to the production site on land. This allows us to provide the most natural environment for our Sturgeon Species and produce the best caviar. STURS Premium Siberian Sturgeon Caviar has a delicate creamy pop to the roe with a lingering earthy note and buttery/ocean-like flavor finish. With its complex yet smooth buttery notes, STURS’S Siberian Sturgeon Caviar is the perfect match for any ceremonial family dinner.
Imperial Kaluga Sturgeon Caviar Gift kit (also known as River Beluga Caviar) as companion to iconic moments and will be perfect for special family dinners, such as Christmas dinner. Share your special moment with friends and family, STUR’S Imperial Kaluga Caviar will emphasize the importance of your achievements. Produced from a hybrid of Kaluga Sturgeon and Amur Sturgeon, this caviar has large glistening eggs with a rich buttery taste.