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The mild, nutty flavor of Premium Siberian Sturgeon Caviar has brought it popularity on the world's caviar market in recent decades. Often, it is used as a substitute for Osetra caviar due to its similar flavor. Consisting of medium-large firm roe with a diameter of about 2.5-2.9mm in STUR's Premium Siberian Sturgeon Caviar has a delicate creamy pop to the roe with a lingering earthy note. 

Siberian Sturgeon caviar tends to have a milder flavor compared to Osetra, making it appealing to those who prefer a less intense taste. The mildness allows for a nuanced experience that is not overpowering on the palate. It is also more affordable than Osetra Caviar due to its larger availability.


Name: Premium Siberian Sturgeon 

Species: Acipenser Baerii

Flavor Profile: Complex, Creamy, Nutty

Texture: Delicate Pop 

Egg Color: Dark Black to Grey Hues

Egg Size: Medium-Large (2.5-2.9mm)

Shelf Life

Freshly Packed per order. Un-opened 4-6 weeks refrigerated.

Once opened, consume within 72 hours. Highly recommended to consume within 1 week of purchasing.


This product is perishable and will be shipped by Overnight Shipping. Approximate shipping time is 1 business day.

Siberian Sturgeon Caviar

The Siberian Sturgeon caviar also has 2 different names, Royal Siberian caviar, and Baerii caviar. Siberian Sturgeon Caviar is derived from the acipenser baerii sturgeon, and it has distinct characteristics such as purity and delicate flavor. Stur's Siberian Sturgeon caviar comes from fish raised in massive stone tanks by locally obtained artisanal stonemasons, giving the production site on land an authentically natural feel. This allows them to create the most natural environment for sturgeons and helps produce the best Siberian Sturgeon caviar possible.

How much does Premium Siberian Sturgeon caviar cost?

The price of Siberian Sturgeon caviar will range from $50 to $70 per 30 grams (1 ounce). Stur Caviar is always focused on the user's benefit and never compromises on quality. Prices for Stur's Siberian Sturgeon caviar range from $215 for 100 grams (3.5 oz) to $665 for 500 grams (17.5 oz). Use our promotional codes when available to get the best deal.

What does Siberian Sturgeon caviar taste like?

Stur's Premium Siberian Sturgeon caviar is a delicate creamy pop to the roe with a lingering earthy note and buttery/ocean-like flavor finish. Siberian Sturgeon caviar has a mild, buttery finish and a nutty flavor.

What does Siberian Sturgeon caviar look like?

The Royal Osetra caviar has its unique color with more amber colored eggs. The true color of Kaluga caviar will be dark brown and olive green. Siberian Sturgeon caviar tends to be darker in color, with a black hue. Due to its diameter ranging from 2.5-2.9 mm in medium-large size, it gains a wonderful pop and finish!

Which is the most popular caviar in the world?

If you're looking to add a touch of luxury and refinement to your menu, look no further than caviar! Our selection features three outstanding varieties: Royal Osetra Caviar with its large grain size and sublimely delicate, ocean-like flavor; Imperial Kaluga Caviar boasting slightly larger grains bursting with rich buttery-filled goodness; and Premium Siberian Sturgeon Caviar - our most popular choice reputed for its smooth texture, mild taste, and memorable appeal. You won't be disappointed when choosing one (or all!) of these finds from the sea.

What are the discounts offered on Siberian Caviar?

Indulge in this luxury life with our amazing discounts on caviar! Get up to 25% off when you purchase Siberian delicacies from us, as well as a variety of other offers throughout the year. Be sure to keep an eye out for special coupon codes that we update regularly—you don’t want to miss your chance at luxury seafood experiences tailored just for you.